The culture of shared leadership is promoted through various committees that have been formed in the school such as Examination, Sanitation, School Management, Disaster Management, Discipline, Inclusive Education, Anti-Corporal, Sexual Harassment, Student Council, Remedial Class, etc. Each of these committees have clear goals and objectives and has various stakeholders. For example School Management committee (SMC) has representatives from staff, parents, eminent people from society, other school Principal etc. When the school tuition fee was hiked, the school management committee was instrumental in justifying and conveying to the parents that the hike was necessary. Hence all the parents felt that they were a part of the decision making process.
The school also has a suggestion/feedback box which is used mostly by students to convey their problems at school. The same is also addressed through Student Council Meetings channel.
To elaborate further on shared leadership, after Formative Assessments, at the beginning of each term subject teachers share the results with the Principal and then remedial classes are set up to uplift weak Students. Post remedial classes the students are then tested on the specific weak portions by subject teachers thereby promoting a culture of shared leadership among teachers.